Thursday, March 8, 2012

101 Things in 1001 Days

This post is entirely inspired by Mackenzie Horan of Design Darling.  I read her 101 Things in 1001 Days post a few days ago, and I was inspired to write my own.  In fact, I tweeted her and told her that based upon her list, I thought we'd be great friends... I never said I wasn't accidentally creepy with enthusiasm.  Believe me, things can get real weird.

Ah, I digress... Without further ado, here is my list:

Start Date:  March 8, 2012
End Date: December 4, 2014

  1. Come up with 101 things and figure out the date of 1001 days later. (March 7, 2012)
  2. Inspire someone to write a 101 list of their own! Please let me know via comments or twitter if you do this!
  3. Take a "family vacation" with my best friends.
  4. Establish Sarah Anne Watson Design as a real, functioning business. 
  5. Do something I never thought I'd do.
  6. Plan one of my best friends' weddings.  *hint, hint*
  7. Run another Half Marathon.
  8. Visit as many restaurants featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives as I possibly can.
  9. Get a tattoo that means something.*  (Exempt from 1001-day deadline)
  10.  Visit NYC, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta and Charleston. 
  11. Go on an adventure.
  12. Have a memorable first date that leads to a second. (and maybe more.)
  13. Redecorate my bedroom.
  14. Get back on Pointe. 
  15. Choreograph something remarkable.
  16. Take a master class in contemporary ballet.
  17. Hike to the summit of a mountain.
  18. Incorporate yoga as a regular part of my routine.
  19. Sing karaoke.
  20. Write a book of lessons I've learned and who I learned them from.
  21. Rescue a shelter dog.  
  22. Watch all of the Harry Potter movies back to back.
  23. Buy a Louis Vuitton Speedy bag.
  24. Dance in an official performance.
  25. Drink only water for one week. 
  26. Learn to ballroom dance. 
  27. Take a photo-a-day for a month.
  28. Define my "big dream" and ultimate career goal.
  29. Found Anne Alan Design with Victoria.
  30. Join the Junior League.
  31. Work for a dream client or company.
  32. Design and build my online portfolio site.
  33. Sell my designs in a boutique.
  34. Invest in something timeless.
  35. Write a column and have it published.
  36. Spend a day doing the "touristy" things in my city.
  37. Visit an organic farm.
  38. Learn to sew.
  39. Memorize 101 passages of scripture.
  40. Find a home church.
  41. Increase my strength and flexibility.
  42. Get photo-worthy abs.
  43. Snowboard (again) in Breckenridge.
  44. Make a substantial donation to charity.
  45. Make homemade pickles.
  46. Go to a beach NOT in Florida.
  47. Watch all nominated movies before awards season starts.
  48. Eat Fried Chicken and Waffles.
  49. Go fishing and cook/eat a fish I caught.
  50.  Memorize the phone numbers of my best friends.
  51. Make 5 new, meaningful friends.
  52. Host a party.
  53. Bike the full distance of Davis Island and Bayshore.
  54. Eat at the Taco Bus.
  55. See the works of Jackson Pollack in a museum.
  56. Drink champagne for no reason at all.
  57. Learn to make a Margarita without mix.   
  58. Shadow someone who has my dream job (after identifying said dream job.)
  59. See Dave Matthews Band in concert. 
  60. Read the works of C.S. Lewis.
  61. Have a picnic.
  62. Eat vegetarian for one full day each month.
  63. Be hired to do the decoration in someone's home. 
  64. Go to Disney at Christmas. 
  65. Meet a celebrity.
  66. Maintain perfectly manicured hands for at least a month.
  67. Learn sign language.
  68. Build a collection of jewelry.
  69. Go camping.
  70. Pull an all-nighter doing something worthwhile.
  71. Keep a Thankful Journal.
  72. Get business cards.
  73. Re-watch Gilmore Girls from start to finish.
  74. Learn a new skill.
  75. Post 25 recipes to the blog.
  76. Post 25 design clients to the blog.
  77. Write a blog post about all DIY projects.
  78. Embrace photography as an art, and take more pictures.
  79. Get a tour of the University of Tampa from Nammie and Papa.
  80. Try on my mother's wedding dress.
  81. Go ice skating.
  82. Post 775 OOTD photos.
  83. Attend 10 Gator Football games.
  84. Land a quadruple pirouette.
  85. Wear an amazing gown to a black-tie event.
  86. Kiss in the rain.
  87. Buy authentic cowboy boots.
  88. Grow my hair out till it's longer than my ribs.
  89. Participate in a pub crawl.
  90. See 50 movies in theaters. (The Hunger Games, 5 Year Engagement)
  91. Be a bridesmaid.
  92. Attend a Magic game in the new Arena.
  93. Watch 20 documentaries. 
  94. Clear my email inbox and establish organization that will help me maintain it.
  95.  Frame and hang my diploma.
  96. Try five foods I've never eaten.
  97. Read 25 books.
  98. Improve my posture.
  99. Get 8 hours of sleep every night for a full week.
  100. Hold a newborn baby.
  101. Witness a child master a skill I teach them.  
Here's what I learned by writing this list... It's hard to put your finger on 101 things you want to do in the somewhat near future, but when you do, it's incredibly inspiring.  Like right now for example, I don't want to go to bed, I want to cross something off my list!  Anyway, tomorrow begins my journey, why don't you start yours, too?

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