Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My so late recap of America's birthday

So work, life and yoga got in my way of posting this sooner, but here I go with my 4th of July recap.

Around 10 am on Friday, the president of the company walked into the creative office and said the most glorious words ever spoken: "Let's wrap things up and get out of here by noon or 1 today." lawdhavemercyIlovethislady.  So I peaced out at exactly 1:12 pm and headed home to lay in my bed and avoid packing for an hour get ready for the weekend.  My sister, Charlie and I were headed for 3 whole days in not our studio apartment. Heaven, I tell you.

Meet Charlie - King of the House
We stayed with one of my sister's friends in her parent's house with her dog and her sister's dog (Her parents were on a post-wedding vacation in North Carolina while her sister and her new husband were on their honeymoon! Yay Newlyweds!)  In case you missed the mathematical equation just there, the dogs = the humans.  It was a wild rumpus if I've ever seen one.

Indeed this is a 3-way tug of war between a 65-lb dog, a 45-lb dog and a 14-lb dog...
The activities of the weekend consisted of laying out (I did NOT get fried! Whoo hoo!), watching the Casey Anthony trial like it was our job, cooking and eating the leftovers for three meals, and watching Modern Family season 1.

Om Nom Nom... Nothing says 4th of July like grilin'
Let's talk these phenomenal Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burgers...  They're a little complicated (you have to saute some of the ingredients before you mix everything together, and well, you have to light the grill) and they have some specialty ingredients, ahem, mango chutney, BUT they are SO WORTH IT.

And we made guacamole to munch on while we were grilling!

I love guacamole. I love guacamole. I love guacamole.
So then I put it on my burger...

So good... make these immediately.
And then we watched some more Modern Family. (SO freaking funny... I joined the bandwagon way late, and I can only hope I can make up for lost time.)   We also managed to work in a 60 minute Hatha class at LuLuLemon on Saturday morning (for free!!) and then a few good dog walks.  No running... EEK.  The half is 3 months from last friday, and I'm not feeling good about our progress.  We'll get there, but right now, it seems very, VERY far-fetched.

Alright, we'll that's the weekend breakdown... lots of laziness and nomity-nom-noms.  OH! And I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in preparation for the movie release next Friday.  I'm almost done... I can't believe this saga is nearly over... tear, tear, sob.

Catch you on the flip side.

PS. All I have to say about the Casey Anthony verdict is this... read 2 Corinthians 5:10.  RIP Caylee.

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