Start Date: March 8, 2012End Date: December 4, 2014
Come up with 101 things and figure out the date of 1001 days later. (March 7, 2012)- Inspire someone to write a 101 list of their own! Please let me know via comments or twitter if you do this!
- Take a "family vacation" with my best friends.
- Establish Sarah Anne Watson Design as a real, functioning business.
- Do something I never thought I'd do.
- Plan one of my best friends' weddings. *hint, hint*
- Run another Half Marathon.
- Visit as many restaurants featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives as I possibly can.
- Get a tattoo that means something.* (Exempt from 1001-day deadline)
- Visit NYC, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta and Charleston.
- Go on an adventure.
- Have a memorable first date that leads to a second. (and maybe more.)
Redecorate my bedroom.- Get back on Pointe.
- Choreograph something remarkable.
- Take a master class in contemporary ballet.
- Hike to the summit of a mountain.
- Incorporate yoga as a regular part of my routine.
- Sing karaoke.
- Write a book of lessons I've learned and who I learned them from.
- Rescue a shelter dog.
- Watch all of the Harry Potter movies back to back.
- Buy a Louis Vuitton Speedy bag.
- Dance in an official performance.
- Drink only water for one week.
- Learn to ballroom dance.
- Take a photo-a-day for a month.
Define my "big dream" and ultimate career goal.- Found Anne Alan Design with Victoria.
- Join the Junior League.
- Work for a dream client or company.
- Design and build my online portfolio site.
- Sell my designs in a boutique.
- Invest in something timeless.
- Write a column and have it published.
- Spend a day doing the "touristy" things in my city.
- Visit an organic farm.
- Learn to sew.
- Memorize 101 passages of scripture.
- Find a home church.
- Increase my strength and flexibility.
- Get photo-worthy abs.
- Snowboard (again) in Breckenridge.
- Make a substantial donation to charity.
- Make homemade pickles.
- Go to a beach NOT in Florida.
- Watch all nominated movies before awards season starts.
- Eat Fried Chicken and Waffles.
- Go fishing and cook/eat a fish I caught.
- Memorize the phone numbers of my best friends.
- Make 5 new, meaningful friends.
- Host a party.
- Bike the full distance of Davis Island and Bayshore.
- Eat at the Taco Bus.
- See the works of Jackson Pollack in a museum.
- Drink champagne for no reason at all.
- Learn to make a Margarita without mix.
- Shadow someone who has my dream job (after identifying said dream job.)
- See Dave Matthews Band in concert.
- Read the works of C.S. Lewis.
- Have a picnic.
- Eat vegetarian for one full day each month.
- Be hired to do the decoration in someone's home.
- Go to Disney at Christmas.
- Meet a celebrity.
- Maintain perfectly manicured hands for at least a month.
- Learn sign language.
- Build a collection of jewelry.
- Go camping.
- Pull an all-nighter doing something worthwhile.
- Keep a Thankful Journal.
Get business cards.- Re-watch Gilmore Girls from start to finish.
- Learn a new skill.
- Post 25 recipes to the blog.
- Post 25 design clients to the blog.
- Write a blog post about all DIY projects.
- Embrace photography as an art, and take more pictures.
- Get a tour of the University of Tampa from Nammie and Papa.
- Try on my mother's wedding dress.
- Go ice skating.
- Post 775 OOTD photos.
- Attend 10 Gator Football games.
- Land a quadruple pirouette.
- Wear an amazing gown to a black-tie event.
- Kiss in the rain.
- Buy authentic cowboy boots.
- Grow my hair out till it's longer than my ribs.
- Participate in a pub crawl.
- See 50 movies in theaters. (The Hunger Games, 5 Year Engagement)
- Be a bridesmaid.
- Attend a Magic game in the new Arena.
- Watch 20 documentaries.
- Clear my email inbox and establish organization that will help me maintain it.
- Frame and hang my diploma.
- Try five foods I've never eaten.
- Read 25 books.
- Improve my posture.
- Get 8 hours of sleep every night for a full week.
- Hold a newborn baby.
- Witness a child master a skill I teach them.
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